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- Dead Link?
Posted by : Mark Iseldi
7 Aug 2014
Dead Link? Atau Link Mati?
Contoh / Example:
Saya sudah mengecek ulang beberapa kali post sebelumnya, bahwa ada beberapa link mati pada suatu post, nah disini link mati dikarenakan tidak adanya orang yang mendownload file-file tersebut. (Expire dalam jangka 1 Bulan)
Saya sengaja membiarkannya karena percuma saja di upload-ulang kalau tidak ada yg memintanya.
Jadi bagi anda yang sedang mencari-cari file di link yang mati tsb, tinggal lapor saja melalui comment, atau chat langsung pada gadget yg disediakan. Saya akan berusaha meng-upload ulang jika sempat mengecek blogger. :D
Salam Romilanio
I've has checked a few times to older post, that there are some dead links on some posts, well because nobody wants to download it so the links gone dead. (Expire in 1 Month)
And I accidentally let it stay as dead, well it's just waste if nobody want to download it.
And I accidentally let it stay as dead, well it's just waste if nobody want to download it.
So for those of you who are looking for the file in the dead link, just report it via comment or chat directly on the gadget that is provided in, I will try to re-upload when I checked in this blog though.
Sincerely, Romilanio